Music for Media

Film - TV - Video Games


Day 1

A hand drawn, animated short film by Fan Jinyue, a Masters Character Animation student at University of the Arts London. The film tells the story of a girl whose monotonous and unpleasant daily life is wearing her down, but whose perspective is changed by a visitor in her dream.

The film is a work in progress and so I hope watching at this stage provides an interesting look into the stages of development for an animation, and that the music is able to fill the gaps in visual detail.

This piece is dedicated to my Grandad, whose love of hiking and being out in nature helped cultivate the same feelings in me.

I’ve tried to capture these feelings of joy and determination in both the music, and the accompanying film, which was amazingly brought to life by animator Qi Xu.


A quirky, short animated film created by Scott Pardailhe and other animation students at Supinfocom univserity.


Audio Tracks

A short nostalgic piece for piano and strings with sound recordings from the city of Dundee in Scotland.
Written for Magazine Modern House.

An extract from the video game Reike, a first person shooter/adventure game set on a desolate planet in space. This track is tied to sections where the player is not in combat, but exploring the planet's surface.

Music inspired by the horror game 'Inside', used to accompany the title menu screen in a horror video game.






A collabortion with dancers at Laban which explored passing vibration around a group.

PARK - Autumn

A film I personally made as well as scored, in which image and music aim to evoke the season of autumn, as showcased within Parc Cinquantenaire in Brussels.